

  • 欧美综艺 综艺 
  • 金·卡戴珊 葛妮·卡戴珊 科勒·卡戴珊 克莉丝·詹纳 肯多尔·詹娜 
  • 向来Drama十足,每分每秒都创造热门话题的卡戴珊家族回归,拆解各个家庭成员话题背后的“真相”,继续揭开名媛望族最Juicy的日常。向来Drama十足,每分每秒都发明抢手话题的卡戴珊家族回归,拆解各个家庭成员话题面前的“真相”,继续揭开名媛望族最Juicy的日常。
  • 综艺节目 综艺 
  • 葛妮·卡戴珊 金·卡戴珊 科勒·卡戴珊 肯多尔·詹娜 凯莉·詹娜 克莉丝·詹纳 
  • While Khloe plans a baby shower for her best friend, Malika wrestles with the reality of becoming a While Khloe plans a baby shower for her best friend, Malika wrestles with the reality of becoming a single parent. Kourtney gets into cuddling and breakouts of her comfort zoom by forcing herself to be more affectionate. Khloe and Scott begin the next phase of their prank on Kris.