

  • 剧情 犯罪 动作 
  • 卢卡斯·格雷戈霍威茨 丹尼斯·莫斯奇托 卡塔琳娜·舒特勒 Daniel Wiemer 维达·伊瑞辛 Zejhun Demirov 
  • 102分钟
  • 没有犯罪前科的弗兰克袭击了一辆运钞车,而后又主动自首。他的行为是个谜。在监狱里,他遇见了阿拉伯人弗阿德,此人性格多疑,行事肆无忌惮,受自己的帮派保护。为了接近弗阿德,弗兰克介入了监狱围墙边的毒品交易,没有立功前科的弗兰克袭击了一辆运钞车,然后又自动自首。他的行为是个谜。在监狱里,他遇见了阿拉伯人弗阿德,此兽性情多疑,行事肆无忌惮,受自己的帮派维护。为了接近弗阿德,弗兰克介入了监狱围墙边的毒品买卖,因此卡在了德国帮和阿拉伯帮这两大友好的囚犯帮派之间。要想取得弗阿德的信任,只需借助监狱警卫苏珊娜的协助,因此弗兰克和她走得很近。他不知道的是,其实苏珊娜也是毒品买卖中的一环,并与弗阿德有肉体关系。他只知道,他的妻子和女儿死于一场车祸,而弗阿德就是那个肇事逃逸却逍遥法外的司机。他只知道,他来这儿的目的,就是复仇。
  • 欧美 电视 
  • Franz Hartwig 汉诺·科夫勒 尤莉亚·延奇 Nicholas Ofczarek 尤利安·卢曼 Natasha Petrovic Theresa Martini 卢卡斯·米科 卢卡斯·格雷戈霍威茨 克里斯托弗·沙夫 Katrin Fi 
  •  When a gruesomely staged body is found, propped up on a mountain pass in the Alps close to the Germ When a gruesomely staged body is found, propped up on a mountain pass in the Alps close to the German-Austrian border, two detectives are sent to investigate. For German detective Ellie, this is the first real challenge of her career; her Austrian counterpart Gedeon though seems to have lost any ambitions in his job. Very soon, they discover more crime scenes with symbolically posed victims, reminiscent of pagan rituals. It all seems to be part of a bigger, sinister plan. Ellie finds herself under increasing pressure to understand the deranged killer's motives so she can stop him. The hunt leads them ever deeper in the dark valleys and archaic Alpine customs - and the paranoid world of the killer. Written by Beta Film