

  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 凯恩·霍德尔 比尔·莫斯利 Allie Marshall 
  • Jackson and Emily aren't like the other kids. Two burgeoning sociopaths on the brink of total meltdoJackson and Emily aren't like the other kids. Two burgeoning sociopaths on the brink of total meltdown. Ticking time bombs seeking revenge. Who will unravel first?
  • 恐怖 
  • 比尔·莫斯利 J·拉罗斯 Jisaura Cardinale 
  • Five disparate youths, lost on a road trip to the location of the infamous 'mangrove slasher,' end up being pursued by a cadre of cannibal clowns.Fivedisparateyouths,lostonaroadtriptothelocationoftheinfamous#39;mangroveslasher,#39;endupbeingpursuedbyacadreofcannibalclowns.
  • 电影 
  • 内森·琼斯 比尔·莫斯利 约翰·贾瑞特 史提夫·比斯利 
  • 96
  • Intheharsh,yetbeautifulAustralianoutbacklivesabeast,ananimalofstaggeringsize,witharuthless,drivingneIntheharsh,yetbeautifulAustralianoutbacklivesabeast,ananimalofstaggeringsize,witharuthless,drivingneedforbloodanddestruction.Itcaresfornone,defendsitsterritorywithbrutalforce,andkillswitharaw,animalisticsavageryunlikeanyhaveseenbefore.