

  • 喜剧 
  • Tien Luat Be Bao Thi Be Vi An 
  • 88分钟
  • A ladies' man is forced to change his ways when he's suddenly saddled with the daughter he never kneA ladies' man is forced to change his ways when he's suddenly saddled with the daughter he never knew about.
  • 剧情 
  • 塞拉哈廷·帕萨利 埃金·科奇 Erdem Senocak Selin Yeninci Nizam Namidar Enver Husrevoglu Erol Babaoglu 
  • 129分钟
  • 来到人生地不熟的小镇亚尼克拉的检察官埃姆雷,正值年轻气盛充满了傲气与道德正义感,看起来平静的亚尼克拉背后却暗潮汹涌,不论是连年干旱抽取地下水造成的天坑或镇上猎杀野猪的陋习,都让埃姆雷亟欲解决背后的政治分开人生地不熟的小镇亚尼克拉的检察官埃姆雷,正值年轻气盛充溢了傲气与品德正义感,看起来安静的亚尼克拉面前却暗潮汹涌,不论是连年干旱抽取地下水构成的天坑或镇上猎杀野猪的陋习,都让埃姆雷亟欲处置面前的政治角力。这时外地镇长儿子沙辛邀约宴请埃姆雷至家中吃饭,在酒酣耳热之后埃姆雷喝到不醒人事,没想到隔天就在镇长家中发作了性侵案件,埃姆雷自认洁白而展开了公正调查并逮补了嫌犯沙辛……但没想到在他破碎残留的记忆中,有些状况超乎他自己认定的无辜与洁白,而可以是协助他的目击证人却是与镇长友好的一名报社发行人穆拉,两人的关系暧昧不明,也更让这起案件虚无缥缈……
  • 伦理 
  • Ayanna Misola Sab Aggabao Andrea Garcia Micaella Raz 
  • 阿比娜和三个想要她的男人纠缠在一起: 她的追求者,她的前男友和她的老板。但还有一个人想控制她把她变成一个性怪物。阿比娜和三个想要她的男人纠缠在一同: 她的追求者,她的前男友和她的老板。但还有一团体想控制她把她变成一特性怪物。
  • 剧情 
  • Darcie Lincoln Tara MacGowran Becky Fletcher Tony Manders Tommy Vilés Saudiq Baoku David Royal Arron Blake Claire-Maria Fox Jerry Anton Charlene Cooper Aaron Ayamah Laura Menendez Danny Coakley Karen Masek 
  • After her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself withoAfter her heartbreaking miscarriage and failing career as a model, Elise has now found herself without a career and living as a stay at home wife to a wealthy business man who, over the years, seems to have got tired of her. Worried he is being unfaithful, Elise goes to spy on him, when she bumps into a mysterious and alluring photographer. A passion strikes between them both and a steamy affair begins. The photographer shows Elise sites and feelings she's not felt before; introducing her to sleep with a variety of different men. As they sexually experiment together, Elise's husband grows to realise he might be loosing Elise. He tries to reignite the spark in their relationship, making her feel guilty for her secret affair. She plans to call the relationship quits when the photographer threatens to blackmail her with secret recorded sex tapes of them together. The photographer becomes controlling, stalking her, ensuring Elise is left with nothing and no one, but him. A tale of love, ...
  • 剧情 情色 电影 
  • Hannah Hoekstra Hans Dagelet 里弗卡·罗德森 Mark Rietman Eva Duijvestein 芭芭拉·萨拉菲安 Barbara Sarafian Ward Weemhoff Ali Ben Horsting Abdullah el Baoudi Elske Rotteveel Maarten Heijmans 
  • 80分钟
  • 赫默尔亨普每天晚上都在寻找不同的爱人,有时是她找别人,有时是男人们找她,赫默尔亨普生活中最重要的人是她的父亲,她的父母很早就离婚了,他父亲是个不安分的人,正当他的爱情遭受挫折的时候,她爱上了一个年轻的  赫莫尔(汉娜·霍克斯特拉HannahHoekstra饰)是一位热情奔放的女子,她生性热爱自由,无法忍受任何的束缚。赫莫尔的母亲早早就离开了人世,父亲吉斯(汉斯·达格列特HansDagelet饰)辛辛苦苦将赫莫尔养育成人,因此,赫莫尔和吉斯之间的感情异常亲近,又是甚至超过了亲情。  吉斯和赫莫尔一样,整日过着花天酒地放浪形骸的生活,父女两似乎在较着劲,比拼着更换伴侣的速度,而他们两人对于这样的游戏乐在其中。某日,一位名叫苏菲(里弗卡·罗德森RifkaLodeizen饰)的年轻拍卖官出现在了吉斯的身边,这一次,吉斯似乎动起了真情,这让赫莫尔第一次品尝到了妒忌的滋味。
  • 剧情 电影 
  • Qi Bao 张乾 崔文顺 阳华 刘节 周以勤 保琪 柳杰 
  • 富农张顺发和爱阔气的青年唐金勾勾搭搭干起投机赚钱的买卖他们乘合作社猪食发生恐慌,偷偷驾起小船去收买白莱叶,不但沿途经历了许多风险,到后来事情快要被揭露时,更是张惶失措,狼狈万状。富农张顺发和爱阔气的青年唐金勾勾搭搭干起投机赚钱的买卖他们乘合作社猪食发生恐慌,偷偷驾起小船去收买白莱叶,不但沿途经历了许多风险,到后来事情快要被揭露时,更是张惶失措,狼狈万状。