

  • 剧情 
  • Bob Lazar George Knapp Jeremy Kenyon Lockyer Corbell 
  • In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecIn 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government's work on alien spacecrafts. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.
  • 纪录 电视 
  • BobLazar GeorgeKnapp JeremyKenyonLockyerCorbell 
  • In 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government"s work on alien sIn 1989, physicist Bob Lazar broke the story of Area 51 and the US government"s work on alien spacecrafts. He blew the whistle, shocked the world, then went silent - until now.
  • 剧情 电影 
  • 亚历山德拉·坎普 凯·魏辛格 Vanni Corbellini Bernd Stegemann Michael Hanemann 
  • 女主角是一位法律专业毕业的大学生安托妮娅。她和金融巨子的继承人坠入爱河,可刚举行过婚礼,新郎便遇刺身亡。突然卷入的复杂境地使年轻的女子陷入了前所未有的困惑和凄迷…… 安托妮娅并非孤立无援,丈夫的弟弟女主角是一位法律专业毕业的大学生安托妮娅。她和金融巨子的继承人坠入爱河,可刚举行过婚礼,新郎便遇刺身亡。突然卷入的复杂境地使年轻的女子陷入了前所未有的困惑和凄迷…… 安托妮娅并非孤立无援,丈夫的弟弟给予她的默默帮助使她备感温暖。然而,一连串恐怖的杀戮开始了,先是老侯爵的惨死,然后是司机的死,凶手显然是要嫁祸安托妮娅,随即安托妮娅突然遭遇车祸……案情日益复杂,也渐趋明朗。