

  • 动作 科幻 电影 
  • Kristen Quintrall Rick Malambri Dario Deak 
  • 85分钟
  • 越战军人路克因阻止同僚安德鲁滥杀无辜而起争执,互相枪击而死。美政府秘密把越战中已战死的士兵冰冻起来并以高科技的电脑改造,然后输入程式。训练他们为机器战士,视他们为魔鬼战士。路克和安德鲁二人为原型的  AMarineunitsentintoanislandbasetosaveaprofessor,meetswhattheyaretryingtosavetheprofessorfromandthenitsarushtostayalivefromtheenemy.
  • 伦理 
  • Liza Del Sierra Dario Lado David Perez-Ribada Shalim Ortiz Derek Evans John Corby 
  • 法国情色片由大人女星厌倦*情行业迁居美国,谁料邻居友人心怀不*意*行窃,不想行动过程屋主回归,此帮*人乾脆一不做二不休,上演惊天动地的抢劫掳掠***行!真实大人人女星丽莎 t;黛儿 席亚拉首度触电大银法国情色片由大人女星厌倦*情行业迁居美国,谁料邻居友人心胸不*意*行窃,不想举动进程屋主回归,此帮*人乾脆一不做二不休,演出惊天动地的抢劫掳掠***行!真实大人人女星丽莎 t;黛儿 席亚拉首度触电大银幕大*出演2012法国立功惊悚剧情新片! 為了寻求重生活,一名*人电影的年轻女演员Lust Audrey(Liza Del Sierra)离开佛罗里达寻觅一个新的身份。只是当本地的暴徒认出她之后,她希望重新的平淡生活被粉碎了...(一部强*与复仇电影,结合[我唾*你的坟墓]和[魔屋]之元素)
  • 剧情 爱情 电影 
  • Eva Haßmann Tyron Ricketts Dario Fosca 
  • 92分钟
  • 莱斯莉与儿子乔纳斯一起生活,因丈夫过早去世,日子过得十分艰难.  LeslieliveswithhersonJonasandfiguresit’sabouttimeforanimprovementintheirlives.Thekid’sfatherisgone,she’sreadytohanguphercrummywaitressjobandactingschoolisn’tbringinginanycash.Lesliecan’tevenpaytherentbutthelastthingshe’swillingtodoisaccepthandoutsfromherfriendsandfamily.HerfriendNataliecomesupwithacrazyidea:.....
  • 剧情 爱情 喜剧 
  • Eva Ha?mann Tyron Ricketts Dario Fosca 
  • 92分钟
  • Leslie lives with her son Jonas and figures it’s about time for an improvement in their lives. The kLeslie lives with her son Jonas and figures it’s about time for an improvement in their lives. The kid’s father is gone, she’s ready to hang up her crummy waitress job and acting school isn’t bringing in any cash. Leslie can’t even pay the rent but the last thing she’s willing to do is accept handouts from her friends and family. Her friend Natalie comes up with a crazy idea:.....