

  • 剧情 爱情 惊悚 
  • Caterina Ferioli Simone Baldasseroni 
  • Within the walls of the Grave, the orphanage where Nica grew up, a legend has always been told: thatWithin the walls of the Grave, the orphanage where Nica grew up, a legend has always been told: that of the maker of tears, a mysterious craftsman, guilty of crafting all the fears and anxieties that inhabit the hearts of men. But at seventeen years old, the time has come for Nica to leave fairy tales behind. Her biggest dream is about to come true. Mr and Mrs Milligan have sta...
  • 动作 电影 
  • 理查德·柯伊尔 CatherineSteadman 
  • 1945年,二战的最后阶段,德国科学家Klausener发明了一个可怕的新技术,利用电磁技术,创造了一支不朽的纳粹军队,这个秘密流传至今。有迹象表明这个军队在东欧活动,为了查明真相,北约专案组急忙 摆1945年,二战的最后阶段,德国科学家Klausener发明了一个可怕的新技术,利用电磁技术,创造了一支不朽的纳粹军队,这个秘密流传至今。有迹象表明这个军队在东欧活动,为了查明真相,北约专案组急忙 摆设 到东欧,但所有的派遣队员几乎全被无情地杀死。这不是普通的仇人 。 只有勇敢的观察 员,海伦娜,一名观察 战犯的女特工,为了查明线索而前往东欧,她盯上了污名 昭著的战争犯Klausener。在途中,遇到了北约的...