

  • 惊悚 恐怖 
  • Nancy Linehan Charles Alisha Soper Tim Simek 
  • 82分钟
  • Four friends on vacation discover that their isolated rental property is already occupied by a seemiFour friends on vacation discover that their isolated rental property is already occupied by a seemingly friendly older couple. A night of unimaginable terror ensues…
  • 爱情 喜剧 电影 
  • Tommy·Tiernan 凯特·哈德森 弗兰西丝·奥康纳 Tommy Tiernan 斯图尔特·汤森德 Rosaleen Linehan Charlotte Bradley Brendan Dempsey 
  • 年轻漂亮的露西·欧文斯是都柏林一家时髦小餐馆的女招待,虽然 有过超过一打以上的的恋爱经历,却没有一次能顺顺当当维持下去。露 西把失败归咎于运气不济:现如今,找了好男人可不是件容易事。 然而有一天,餐年轻漂亮的露西·欧文斯是都柏林一家时髦小餐馆的女招待,虽然 有过超过一打以上的的恋爱经历,却没有一次能顺顺当当维持下去。露 西把失败归咎于运气不济:现如今,找了好男人可不是件容易事。 然而有一天,餐馆里来了一位外型出众的青年男士。他一下子就吸引住了露西的视线,这个英俊挺拔的男人叫亚当。他略带几分孩子气,但又在不经意间散发着一种让露西为之着迷的气质,看上去,他正是露西一直在期盼的理想恋人。 一来二去的攀谈使两人很快就熟络起来,亚当似乎也对露西很有好感,这对年轻男女的感情发展神速,没多久就打的火热。于是,露西想把亚当介绍给她的家人。 但是,露西的家庭相当传统,她以前的若干个男朋友就是因为过不了这一关而败下阵来,她的母亲和兄弟姐妹们会喜欢亚当吗?露西难免有点忐忑不安。 不过事情马上就证明了露西的担心完全是杞人忧天,亚当真是个人见人爱的角色,他几乎没费什么力气就赢得了露西所有家庭成员的好感,包括她的妈妈佩吉、她的两个姐姐劳拉和艾丽丝,就连露西那个叛逆不羁的弟弟大卫也仿佛着了魔般的喜欢上了亚当。这可让露西大大松了一口气。 口气。 然而就在亚当对欧文斯一家的影响力日益显著时,每个人也不...
  • 伦理 百度云伦理 
  • Ej Linehan Michele Noonan 
  • Food, water and shelter are all necessary to man’s survival. But there’s another powerful need that Food, water and shelter are all necessary to man’s survival. But there’s another powerful need that has transformed history, silently steering us at every turn… sex. HOW SEX CHANGED THE WORLD spans thousands of years and sheds light on how sex has changed history: from Ghengis Khan using it to expand the Mongol Empire to the survival of harems for thousands of years and even how Hoover used it to blackmail top level politicians. Also revealed are the surprising histories behind Cornflakes, WWII pinup girls, car design and so much more. Join us, as we uncover the stories you won’t find in textbooks.
  • 记录 电视 
  • Ej·Linehan Michele·Noonan 
  • 43分钟
  • 豆瓣 N/AFood,waterandshelterareallnecessarytoman’ssurvival.Butthere’sanotherpowerfulneedthathastransformedhistory,silentlysteeringusateveryturn…sex.HOWSEXCHANGEDTHEWORLDspansthousandsofyearsandshedslightonhowsexhaschangedhistory:fromGhengisKhanusingittoexpandtheMongolEmpiretothesurvivalofharemsforthousandsofyearsandevenhowHooverusedittoblackmailtoplevelpoliticians.AlsorevealedarethesurprisinghistoriesbehindCornflakes,WWIIpinupgirls,cardesignandsomuchmore.Joinus,asweuncoverthestoriesyouwon’tfindintextbooks.