

  • 喜剧 动画 欧美动漫 动漫 
  • 理查德·艾欧阿德 马特·贝里 汉娜·沃丁厄姆 帕姆·墨菲 Duncan Trussell Pia Shah 
  • Krapopolis is set in mythical ancient Greece and tells the story of a dysfunctional family of humansKrapopolis is set in mythical ancient Greece and tells the story of a dysfunctional family of humans, gods and monsters that try their hand at running the world’s first cities – without trying to kill each other, that is.
  • 剧情 喜剧 悬疑 剧情片 
  • Geneviève Ackerman Ana Tapia Rousiouk 雷诺·德普勒-拉洛斯 
  • 135分钟
  • Constance works for an independent radio station where she broadcasts sound creations of political cConstance works for an independent radio station where she broadcasts sound creations of political character. She lives with Eugene, an aspiring writer, voluntarily withdrawn from the outside world.
  • 犯罪 欧美剧 欧美 
  • Cecilia Appiah 阿德里安·斯卡伯勒 索妮塔·亨利 安娜玛丽亚·玛琳卡 James Boyland Michael D. Xavier Cayvan Coates Jeremias Amoore 杰克·库珀·斯廷普森 Libby Mai 理查德·哈林顿 Lucy Phelps Cengiz Dervis Andrea Kristina Ricardo Castro 
  • 45分钟
  • 剧集是一部以迷人的伦敦切尔西区为背景的当代犯罪片,住在船屋的探长Max Arnold 虽出生在精致富有的切尔西区,但他本人行事低调的风格却与精英专属的切尔西区相去甚远。他与周围的邻居相隔一段距离,住在剧集是一部以诱人的伦敦切尔西区为背景的当代立功片,住在船屋的探长Max Arnold 虽出生在精致富有的切尔西区,但他自己行事低调的作风却与精英专属的切尔西区相去甚远。他与周围的邻居相隔一段距离,住在一艘船屋上。Max 和他的同伴Priya Shamsie探员处置了一系列耸人听闻的谋杀案,揭开了切尔西标志性修建面前的阴暗世界。他们所遇见的尸体,出如今一些不太可以的中央,包括家族运营的意大利餐厅、与足球流氓有勾连的社区花园中心等。