

  • 伦理 
  • Shelly Martin Brian Cobby 
  • 一个有点假正经的年轻女士继承了裸..体主义者阵营。她想将其关闭,但其成员说服交出的地方一看,她采取任何行动之前。她同意,并同时参观阵营发现自己吸引到的顾客之一。麻烦的是,这样做的另一个年轻女子在营地。一个有点假正派的年轻女士承袭了裸..体主义者阵营。她想将其封锁,但其成员压服交出的中央一看,她采取任何举动之前。她赞同,并同时观赏阵营发现自己吸引到的顾客之一。费事的是,这样做的另一个年轻女子在营地。 英文名:The Nudist Story (1960)
  • 伦理 百度云伦理 
  • Randy Brent Gabrielle Benett Marianne Bennett Shelly Forbes Leigh Sands Lorraine Sheldon Barbara Stanley Toby the Donkey 
  • A man prospecting for gold in the desert becomes lost and comes across six naked women. The genre beA man prospecting for gold in the desert becomes lost and comes across six naked women. The genre being what it is, the hook is beautiful nearly-naked women. This film delivers. Oh boy does it deliver. The topless women show up at about the five-minute mark, and remain on screen for the rest of the film. There isn’t a minute that goes by without bare breasts, and these women are absolutely gorgeous. There are typical of the kind and quality of jokes told throughout the film. In fact, if your family has a liberal attitude about the sight of bare breasts (and occasionally buttocks), this is a great film for kids as well as adults, because these jokes can be appreciated by kids of all ages, and there is nothing (besides the nudity, depending on your values) that is inappropriate for children. This is simply a delightful film.
  • 喜剧 电影 
  • 凯丽·拉塞尔 内森·菲利安 切瑞·海恩斯 杰瑞米·西斯托 迪·格里菲斯 Cheryl Hines Adrienne Shelly 克里·拉塞尔 
  • 吉娜(凯丽•拉塞尔 饰)擅长制作各种美味非常的馅饼,她把每天在生活中的经历都化为做馅饼的灵感。但实际上她的生活并不快乐,她被一段名存实亡的婚姻困扰多年。她一心想参加馅饼比赛,得到足够多的钱之后离开丈吉娜(凯丽•拉塞尔 饰)擅长制作各种美味非常的馅饼,她把每天在生活中的经历都化为做馅饼的灵感。但实际上她的生活并不快乐,她被一段名存实亡的婚姻困扰多年。她一心想参加馅饼比赛,得到足够多的钱之后离开丈夫厄尔(杰瑞米•西斯托 饰)现自己怀孕了,她知道自己的丈夫是个自私的人,无法养育孩子。她十分迷茫之际,遇到了妇产科医生波马特(内森•菲利安 饰)并且两人疯狂的恋上了,波马特也是个已婚之人。她知道自己的行为是错误的,但她还是不能控制的与波马特见面,受尽良心谴责的她从朋友身上得到了很多的启示。就在女儿出生当天,她决意要与丈夫分开,也要好好处理与波马特的关系。