

  • 剧情 电影 
  • 罗宾·怀特 娜奥米·沃茨 泽维尔·塞缪尔 詹姆斯·弗兰切威勒 本·门德尔森 苏菲·洛 加里·思韦特 杰西卡·托维 
  • 111分钟
  • 忘年恋曲影片讲述了娜奥米·沃茨与罗宾·怀特饰演的两个母亲分别与对方的儿子产生了忘年恋情。  一個發生在澳洲海邊小鎮的私密情事,兩個從小一起長大的鄰居好友,長大後卻同時愛上了對方血氣方剛、年輕氣盛的兒子。  原本不應該發展下去的關係,面對宛如浪潮來襲的情慾激發,終究掀起不可避免的巨大波瀾。娜歐蜜瓦茲與羅蘋萊特大膽投入心靈與身體的演出,將腳色複雜的情緒與充滿力量的身體慾望完整表達,皆是兩者從影以來的代表作。  兩位來自澳洲的青澀小生,恣意展露在陽光海水下的完美身體,更成了女性觀眾不可抗拒此片的秀色誘因。透過導演安芳妲的鏡頭捕捉,如中毒般的赤裸情事,交叉激盪出愛情、家庭、道德、與激情的複雜性。
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 杰西卡·托维 丹尼尔·尤因 罗伊·比令 Erin Connor 
  • A young biologist, Mary Jane, who focuses on lepidoptery (the study of moths and butterflies), doesnA young biologist, Mary Jane, who focuses on lepidoptery (the study of moths and butterflies), doesn't have the perfect life; she does however have what she considers the perfect son. Tragedy strikes and Mary Jane's world is disturbingly turned upside down. Fleeing the troubled "real world" she embarks upon a solitary bush project. In the isolated and surreal landscape Mary Jane starts experiencing strange phenomena. The opportunity to be a mother again presents itself, only it comes at a cost for Mary Jane and what's left of her family.
  • 恐怖 电影 
  • 杰西卡·托维 丹尼尔·尤因 罗伊·比令 Erin Connor 
  • A young biologist, Mary Jane, who focuses on lepidoptery (the study of moths and butterflies), doesnA young biologist, Mary Jane, who focuses on lepidoptery (the study of moths and butterflies), doesn't have the perfect life; she does however have what she considers the perfect son. Tragedy strikes and Mary Jane's world is disturbingly turned upside down. Fleeing the troubled "real world" she embarks upon a solitary bush project. In the isolated and surreal landscape Mary Jane starts experiencing strange phenomena. The opportunity to be a mother again presents itself, only it comes at a cost for Mary Jane and what's left of her family.